Paper Converter Association

Dear Members

The Paper Converter Association International is happy to announce our Fall meeting is October 17th and 18th at the Double Tree Suites at the Battery in Atlanta, GA. We have a special rate at $209/night.

The schedule is as follows:

Thursday October 17th
• Golf Outing, Course TBD. call Mark 530 558 5080 if you want to play; we ran out of slots last meeting, so don’t wait for the last minute to sign up.
• Cocktail Reception 5:00pm to 7:00pm Double Tree Hotel

Friday October 18th
• Shuttle to Greif Paper Mill, members can tour Core Board Mill or Folding Carton Board Mill.
• Noon Lunch & Meeting in Double Tree Suites Hotel; Presentation, Marcus Baker, Employee Retention

To book your hotel room call (800) 774-1500 group code CDT91N under Paper Converter Association or use the following link:,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT

If you would like to attend and are not a member, please apply for membership and join Paper Converter.

Thank You,
Mark Beaman, Director
Paper Converter Association International
2065 Mandarin Ln
Naples, FL 34120
530 558 5080